Products Comparisons

Best Digital Solution Packages (Start Digital Initiative) by DBS, OCBC, UOB and Maybank

Jennifer Tjahyadi
October 1, 2020

Thinking of going digital for your business but don’t know where to start?

If you are an SME that has just started your business or is new to digital technology, you may want to consider signing up for the Start Digital Pack offered by banks in Singapore. 

This initiative is supported by IMDA under the SMEs Go Digital Program offered in partnership with DBS, Maybank, OCBC and UOB.

Learn about the Start Digital Initiative, the Digital Solutions available and compare the different packages offered by these banks.

1.   The Start Digital Initiative

Launched in 2019 by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Enterprise Singapore, Start Digital is an initiative that may help your business to grow, scale or improve productivity by digitalising existing processes.

In the words of Minister S. Iswaran, many SMEs shared that they wished they had implemented basic digital solutions at the very nascent stages of their businesses.

The initiative will provide SMEs with access to basic and affordable digital solutions.

Mr. S. Iswaran also shared that “by working with Start Digital partners, the government hopes to scale up tech adoption to a much larger base of SMEs and boost the impact of digitalisation”.

He highlighted that “implementing quality foundational digital solutions at the start would set SMEs on the right path and position them well for the future”.

2.   Start Digital Partners

In line with the government’s efforts, six partners: DBS, Maybank, OCBC, UOB, Singtel and M1 are offering curated digital solution bundles.

SMEs can take up any two digital solutions from five categories of core business functions namely: Accounting, Cybersecurity, Digital Marketing, Digital Transaction, Human Resource Management System & Payroll. 

Each eligible SME is entitled to one Start Digital Pack that comprises two digital solutions from one Start Digital Partner.

They can also apply for more than two digital solutions if required, under the same Start Digital Partner.

The programme requires a minimum commitment period of 18 months, of which the government will sponsor at least 6 months and remaining costs will be priced according to the vendor.

3. Start Digital Solutions and Packs By DBS, UOB, OCBC and Maybank

Start Digital Partner DBS UOB OCBC Maybank
  • Have no less than 30% of shareholding held by Singapore citizens or PRs
  • Annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million


  • Employment size not exceeding 200 employees
  • For other requirements, visit here
  • Have no less than 30% of shareholding held by Singapore citizens or PRs
  • Annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million

  • Employment size not exceeding 200 employees
  • For other requirements, visit here
  • Have no less than 30% of shareholding held by Singapore citizens or PRs
  • Annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million

  • Employment size not exceeding 200 employees
  • For other requirements, visit here
  • No information
Steps To Apply
  • Receive a call from the solution providers
  • Set up an account with the solution providers

    *For Financio & Talenox, only the first and last step apply and account will be open in 3 days. For all other solutions, all steps apply.
  • Solution providers will contact you for follow-up
  • Start using your solutions
  • Start using your solutions
  • Start using your solutions
Accounting Enterpryze (UOB BizSmart)

Micro One:

Micro One Plus:
  • $12/mth for a 24 mths contract with first 12 mths free (up to 3 users, unlimited invoices)

Digital Marketing
  • No information
  • No information
  • No information
Digital Transactions UOB BizSmart EzyProcure:
Human Resource
  • Talenox Suite Plan: $40/mth for first 5 employees for an 18 mths contract, $8 for every next full-time & $4 for part-time staff. (Applicable for companies with up to 10 staff)
  • Benefit.X: $10/mth for 15 headcounts for an 18 mths contract with first 6 mths free (Additional headcount at $1/mth)

  • JustPayroll: $20/mth for 10 headcounts for an 18 mths contract with first 6 mths free (Additional headcount at $3.50/mth)
Bundle 1
  • No information
  • No information
Accounting & HR

Name of Plan: Xero Starter Pack & Talenox Suite Plan
Accounting & HR

Name of Plan: Benefit.X & Financio Premium Plan
Bundle 2
  • No information
  • No information
Accounting & HR

Name of Plan: DashBod Start Digital Starter Pack
Accounting & HR

Name of Plan: Financio Premium Plan & Singtel Business Protect Basic 2
Bundle 3
  • No information
  • No information
Accounting & HR

Name of Plan: Osome Start Digital Starter Pack
  • No information
Other Information
  • Contact by email for more information
  • Contact by email for more information
  • Contact by email for more information
  • Contact by email for more information

4.   Full List of Digital Solutions (Descriptions and Features)

Shortcut to tables at Annex 1:      

5.   Steps To Take Before Selecting A Start Digital Pack 

        a. Conduct a Needs Assessment

Before committing, you may want to conduct a needs assessment to determine if you need to adopt digitalisation for your business at this juncture.

If digitalising is the route for you, you may compile factors such as features and functions that complement your business needs, number of users, etc.

With these serving as guidelines, you can tally what you need against what is offered by the banks. 

      b. Types Of Solutions Offered And Limitations

Most of the solutions offered in the Start Digital Pack may come in the form of a basic plan.

For some, limitations such as the number of users is capped. 

If your company has more staff who require the solution, you may want to consider upgrading the plan or taking up another solution.

Furthermore, bear in mind that you are restricted to one Start Digital Partner’s list of digital solutions.

Hence, ensure that the two digital solutions or bundle that you intend to choose are relevant to your business needs. 

      c. Costs and Promotions

Find out if you can afford to take up the Start Digital Pack and weigh its long-term costs against the benefits you will obtain.

Take this chance to also compare promotions that you are entitled to before settling on a Start Digital Pack or bundle. 

It is important to note that the sponsored period for most of the solutions offered by the government is limited.

After this, the rate proposed by the vendor kicks in and you may be required to pay for two digital solutions for the remaining months that you have signed up for.


The Start Digital Initiative may be beneficial for eligible SMEs who need a springboard for digital acceleration.

The programme has helped more than 4,000 SMEs adopt digital solutions for their businesses during the first half of last year.

However, before taking the plunge, it is important to consider if this is a suitable option for you.

Feel free to sign up for the trials, and explore the functions and features of the solution. 

When in doubt, talk to solution providers or a Start Digital Partner to find out more.

If this programme is not suitable for your business, you may visit the SMP Centre and IMDA for a complete list of digital solutions, digital training programmes and funding support.

Request for a Business Loan Now! operates a Business Loan Marketplace that allows an SME to connect to multiple lenders with just one application, allowing the SME to know who its prospective lenders are and the rates that they offer, in a very short time.

Annex 1: Start Digital - Digital Solutions (Descriptions and Features)

a. Accounting

Name Of Solution Description Features
DashBod Suite Accounting & HR software solution. Accounting
  • Sales and purchase order
  • Inventory management

  • Leave management
  • Employee claims approval
  • For other features, visit here
Enterpryze (UOB BizSmart) All-in-one cloud-based business management solution backed by SAP Business One.
  • Create invoices and track outstanding payments
  • Control costs with reporting and consolidated billing
  • Reconcile UOB bank transactions with your accounts
  • For other features, visit here
Expensify E-procurement platform that automates purchase to payment process for buyers & suppliers.
  • Corporate card reconciliation
  • Mileage tracking
  • Receipt integrations
  • For other features, visit here
Financio Accounting automation software with PEPPOL-based e-invoicing.
  • Accounting automation, bank integration
  • Customisable permission settings (create, approval, read-only) that enables you to grant precise permission
  • For other features, visit here
Osome Online accounting software and secretariat.
  • Accounting and taxation
  • Bookkeeping
  • For other features, visit here
Quickbooks Cloud accounting software that is also available as a mobile app.
  • Send custom invoice and quotes
  • Track income and expenses
  • For other features, visit here
Xero PEPPOL-ready accounting cloud software.
  • Integrate with 800+ third-party apps
  • Connects with major banks so that your transaction data is sent directly from your bank to Xero
  • For other features, visit here

b. Cybersecurity

Name Of Solution Description Features
Singtel Broadband Protect Cloud-based unified threat management service that block threats before they reach your office network.
  • Network Security
  • User-friendly portal provides access to monthly reports on blocked malware and viruses
  • For other features, visit here
Singtel Business Protect Basic Provides real-time threat and data protection across all desktop and mobile platforms.
  • Endpoint and mobile security
  • Secure web gateway
  • For other features, visit here
Singtel Business Protect Basic 2 Ensures endpoints protected on both PCs & mobile devices.
  • No information
Singtel Mobile Threat Prevention Enterprise-grade tool for protection from malware.
  • No information
ZoneAlarm Mobile Security app that protects smartphones against cyber threats & unprotected WiFi access points.
  • Wi-fi protection
  • Secure privacy and memories
  • For other features, visit here

c. Digital Marketing

Name Of Solution Description Features
Acuity Scheduling Online scheduling assistant that helps you organize your schedule, client information and controls your availability.
  • Client self-scheduling
  • Confirmation, reminder and follow-up emails
  • For other features, visit here
Capsule Customer relationship management system that allows you to nurture and maintain relationships with your customers and tailor your pipeline to match your sales process.
  • Integrate Capsule with other applications such as G Suite, Xero, etc
  • Activity Reporting
  • For other features, visit here
Mailchimp Marketing platform that keeps you connected to your customers through email campaigns, surveys, etc.
  • 7 marketing channels
  • Marketing templates
  • For other features, visit here

d. Digital Transactions

Name Of Solution Description Features
DBS Max Allows immediate collections from consumers or business partners. Suited for businesses with less than 10 stores and collection at events. It is recommended for over the counter collection from retail customers.
  • Receive and track collections in real time with an immediate credit confirmation
  • Consolidate funds into your bank account, and receive real-time credit confirmation for instant and automated reconciliation
  • For other features, visit here
EzyProcure (UOB Bizsmart) E-procurement platform that automates purchase to payment process for buyers & suppliers.
  • Autogenerates Purchase Request or Purchase Order
  • Platform performs 3-way matching with OCR technology before payments are approved
  • For other features, visit here
Shopmatic (UOB BizSmart) Allows SMEs to set up E-commerce store easily, responsive on any digital device.
  • Offers multiple payments and instant shipping solutions
  • Insights and Analytics
  • For other features, visit here
Shopify E-commerce platform backed by powerful tools that help you find customers, drive sales and manage your day-to-day.
  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Manual order creation
  • For other features, visit here
Shoptiq (99% SME) E-commerce platform that allows businesses to sync their product catalogue, inventory and orders in real time.
  • Product catalogue updates will be auto reflected on 99%SME marketplace
  • Keep track of orders and sales performance
  • For other features, visit here
SourceSage (99% SME) Create and design your own online storefront and have access to multiple marketing & e-commerce tools.
  • Integrate selected payment, procure-to-pay, logistics gateway software, etc.
  • For other features, visit here

e. Human Resource & Payroll

Name Of Solution Description Features
Benefit.X Integrated HRMS and payroll system that comes in the form of desktop platform and mobile app.
  • Employee payroll and administration
  • Leaves and claims submission
  • Expense management
  • For other features, visit here
HREasily (UOB BizSmart) (also provides payroll solution) Cloud based HR system, integrates with UOB BiBPluss.
  • Digital staff records
  • Payroll management
  • For other features, visit here
Info-tech Cloud HRMS Integrated HR system enabled with mobile face recognition with GPS, time attendance, payroll and e-Leave.
  • Mobile payslip, online bank GIRO
  • Online CPF pal
  • For other features, visit here
Justlogin (also provides payroll solution) Integrated, cloud-based HR solutions. JustPayroll
  • Payroll system management system fully integrated with QuickBooks online and Xero
  • Up-to-date news on policy changes and other statutory regulations
  • For other features, visit here

  • Pro-rates leave entitlements based on the rules you define
  • Syncs with JustPayroll to adjust pay accordingly
  • For other features, visit here
Payboy Easy to use HRMS system that is customizable according to your needs.
  • Payroll management
  • Attendance, leave management
  • For other features, visit here
Singtel Essentials HR Plan All-in-one HR solution that is listed as an IRAS-supporting software for Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for YA 2019.
  • Create, host and maintain employee records and payslips digitally
  • Simple workflows for leave applications & claims submissions
  • For other features, visit here
Talenox (also provides payroll solution) HR and payroll software solution.
  • Employee profiles, payroll and leaves are synced to one another in real-time
  • In-app guides and tutorials for users
  • Automatic updates of Employment Act and labour law changes
  • For other features, visit here

Leading digital loan marketplace Lendingpot connects SMEs to its network of 45 lenders comprising relationship managers from banks, financial institutions, and private and peer-to-peer lenders in Singapore. It aims to help SMEs overcome the information asymmetry problem and lack of transparency prevalent in the SME financing sector by offering SMEs financing options such as business term loans, property loans, revenue-based financing, credit lines, working capital loans, bridging loans, invoice financing, and more.

About the author

Jennifer loves helping SMEs in their business growth journey. She is also an epicurean and has perpetual wanderlust. During the weekend, she weaves poems out of thin air and buries herself in books.

Digital Solution

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